
⋰ 1 ✦ An iconic game to earn Bobas

⋰ 2 Rules, Reset, Rates

⋰ 3 Why roll daily?

Think of your 🔘 Bobas as a currency within the School! The whole 🏯 Cookshido School ecosystem is interconnected and your Bobas earned every day with the 🧋Gachaboba will become valuable resources that will be useful in future rooms!

Super cool and fun mechanics are in the making and will arrive progressively throughout our development. So keep rolling daily, Samufam!

Thanks to feedback from the community, we are currently reworking our collections tiers to make them as fair as possible for all our holders, both small and large ones. We will keep you informed through our official Twitter and Discord!

⋰ 4 ✦ Collection tiers

  • Owning 1 Samurice = 1️⃣ roll/day

  • Owning 3 Samurices = 2️⃣ rolls/day

  • Owning 6 Samurices = 3️⃣ rolls/day

  • Owning 9 Samurices = 4️⃣ rolls/day

  • Owning 12+ Samurices = 5️⃣ rolls/day

⋰ 5 ✦ Boba's inventory

Each time you win a Boba it will be carefully stored in a dedicated inventory that you can consult at any time via your Profile within the 🏯 Cookshido School.

If you have already played our 🧋Gachaboba on Discord (1st version), a button is also available on this page to claim your hard-earned Bobas as NFTs:

Last updated