
⋰ 1 ✦ Benefits of joining us!

Being a Samurices owner and supporting the Samurices brand is like being part of a genuine family here for the art and fun that web3 has to offer!

Anyone can become an owner by purchasing one or several Samurices from our official collection which will ultimately also unlock multiple advantages such as pushing the doors of the 🏯 Cookshido School, our web3 ecosystem, and start playing fun games to win shiny prizes and earning our delicious Boba currency!

Rewarding generously while having fun is also our motto! Different ways to earn valuable loot have been and will be integrated to make the most of our universe. Boba Events, Treasure Room, special digital collectibles, rare items, and a multitude of new ideas that we are putting together as we go along will be the mojo to spend some quality time with us 🤙.

⋰ 2 ✦ IP Terms & Rights

Coming Soon!

Last updated