A global brand that welcomes and encourages people to have fun!
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A global brand that welcomes and encourages people to have fun!
Last updated
Since the beginning of our adventure, the term "Roadmap" is not the real symbol and meaning of what deeply animates us as creators, nor the exact term that reflects our vision as a strong brand and passionate project. Our primary ambition is to break away from the paths that have already been walked and used over and over again and instead bring our identity to unexplored lands and far from the pattern of what can be predicted by a roadmap.
Life is made of changes and it is in this spirit that Web 3 allows us to pave new paths and explore in-depth what our imagination invites us to create. We wanted to give a direction to our ideas without closing ourselves off to a fixed path that we cannot bypass in the future. We prefer spontaneous creativity and leave room for the emergence of new ideas, logical and exciting, connected to our already rich universe. We are here to make people dream and not follow a simple piece of paper, that's why we define our own way of building as Cookshido's Path.
As passionate creatives ourselves, our minds are focused on art first and foremost and this spirit is what will define and shape the Samurices universe. No false promises, only one certitude: Art is and will remain the foundation of the project.
There is no shortcut to greatness. A vibrant brand never stops being creative, and it is in this perspective that our rich universe will be an anchor in your everyday life. In the 🏯 Cookshido School, you’ll see that everything is built around having fun!
Bringing together authentic people to build a strong community has always been and still is a priority. Our partnerships are sealed with the right friends and our members are a voice in the creation of the Samurices universe.
Becoming a dedicated Samurice Holder is second to none. You will play a key role in the construction of our web3 universe and your loyalty will be rewarded accordingly: Exclusive 1/1s, upcoming collab pieces, primary access to future collections, and much more...